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Life, Motherhood and the little things.

Being a mom is tough. It's the most rewarding, fullfiling and terrifying adventure all at once. Some days are wonderful, some are chaotic. I feel it's a bit of a rollercoaster ride, where you have to adjust all the time to the ups and downs, to the different seasons of life. As I was laying in bed yesterday, thinking about my weekend, I thought about the things (besides chocolate) that help me cope with more challenging days as a maman, a woman, or just as a human being in general. You know, ''les petits plaisirs de la vie'' life's little pleasures that make you happy, good advice you try to always keep in mind, mantras you live by. The stuff that keep you going even on the worst days, that lighten your mood allowing you to carry on. Here's my list:

-Wine (I'm kidding...)

-Focussing on being the best mother/wife/person I can be, not the perfect mother/wife/person I sometimes tend to think everybody else is but me. (I know I'm not the only one guilty of comparing myself.)

-Keeping in mind something my Grand-Maman always said about kids: All the jumping, screaming, running around, crying, the loudness, the mess, the fingerprints on the walls, the constant talking. It shows they are alive, bright and happy. Be grateful.

-Allowing myself alone time to do something I enjoy. That's a classic, but as mothers, we often don't give ourselves that essential break. For me, drawing, reading magazines, writting or even just locking myself in the bathroom hoping for 5 minutes of peace and quiet goes a long way.

-Laughing things out. Self-mockery done nicely, is the best cure when you've had a day where you haven't shined. If that doesn't work, I try one of those ''autocorrect fail'' sites. Usually, after 5 minutes, I'm laughing so hard, I can't remember why I was crying.

-Chatting with friends and family. In person, on the phone, by text message. It doesn't matter. Everyday, my twin, best friend and I send each other dozens (ok, probably more) of messages on a common thread we have on our phones. Just knowing someone is reading really helps with whatever drama is going on.

-Dancing and singing. Preferably in the kitchen or the car. To Justin Bieber. With the windows down. While picking up your pre-teens from school. Try it. They'll pretend they don't know you, won't talk to you for a while, but it doesn't matter, cause afterwards, you can just ask ''is it too late now to say sorry?''

-Adult time. Could be going out to dinner. Or maybe cuddling in bed and talking to my husband. A night out with friends. A trip to Mexico. Doesn't matter. The only rule is: No Kids Allowed.

-Spending time with the kids (it might seem like it contradicts the previous item on this list but it doesn't. They complete each other. There needs to be a balance between the two in order to keep my sanity). By spending time with the kids, I mean...doing nothing, or at least not in an organized fashion. Just hanging out. Cooking a little something together. Listening. A lot of us don't do that much, nowadays. It seems like our busy lives are always scheduled and we feel our kids need to be entertained all. the. time. They don't. They need to chill as much as we do. I find it is during those times that I connect with them the most, where I notice how they have grown, where they amaze me with their wise thoughts and relfections. Just sitting there with them, lying on the couch, I get to hear about what is going at school, with friends and what their favorite youtubers are up too. I get to look at them and remind myself how lucky I am to be their maman.

What about you? I'd love to hear about what cheers you up, helps you keep your head above water, helps you focus on the positive.

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