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Bonjour! I'm a maman of 3, wife to a sweetheart, French teacher, artist, identical twin and lover of all things blue and/or vintage (or covered in chocolate).  I also write a column about everyday life as a mom in the French  local newspaper, but considering the fun I have writting about the hilarious things they say and do, I don't consider it a job, really. 


I live in Canada, in the French-speaking province of Québec, in a small town between two big cities, Montréal (where I was born) and Québec City. My  house is always a bit messy, my hair a bit crazy, I loose my keys all the time, our old faithful dog Lucky might not always get quite the exercice he needs and if Maurice-the-fish could talk, he'd probably file a complaint about the water he's swimming in right now. It's not a perfect life, but it's a colourful one, filled with love, laugh, and good times. 


Between family, friends, work, the boys hockey games, our daughter's million different projects, we are (very) slowly renovating our 1950's house located in the old English patrimonial neighbourhood of our town, where my husband has lived most of his life. In the summer, you will find us at the lake, renovating (again) our tiny cabin, kayaking, sailing and spending quality time with our loved-ones.


Follow along for bits of our life, inspiration, thoughts on motherhood and excuse the spelling mistake or weird expression here and there, as French is my mother tongue. Can't wait to share with all of you and hear your stories as well.


Marilou xx

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